School Council

What is a School Council?

A School Council is a group of pupils who are elected to represent the views of all pupils and to improve their school. 

Every academic year, in our Autumn Term, pupils are invited to express their interest in joining the School Council. Three pupils are selected per year group.

A School Council provides a meaningful way for pupils to voice their opinions and contribute their views in important decisions.

Article 12 of the United Nations Conventions on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) states:

“Every child has the right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously”.

What does it do?

The school council is an important and useful way to share ideas, raise awareness and fundraise for charities. The School Council meets fortnightly (with a teacher present) during a whole school assembly, so valuable lesson time is not missed. 

They share ideas and sort out issues that have arisen. These may include school lunches, behaviour, business plans or ideas for fundraising events.

Members of the School Council will be responsible for carrying out ideas that they have agreed, such as planning charity events, school workshops, meeting with governors or other communities, putting forward views of other children at St. Mary's.

Meeting Minutes

