Prayer and Worship

At St Mary’s, collective worship plays a fundamental part of daily school life and enables us to all join together as one in prayer and worship. Sometimes this will be in class prayer, other times it may involve children in the year group joining together in prayer or it may be in a key stage assembly or KS2 mass.

Children are encouraged to learn a selection of traditional prayers in each year group, but are also encouraged to devise their own personal prayers. Prayers take place at the beginning of the school day, before lunch and again at the end of the school day. Every classroom has a focal point for prayer, which is appropriate to the liturgical season.

Classroom Worship

Classroom worship is an integral part of everyday life at St Mary’s. Children are encouraged to be responsible, participate and lead in this reflective experience.


Gospel Assembly

Every Monday, each Key Stage gathers together for a time of worship. The headteacher leads this worship, reflecting on and teaching the messages of the Gospel.

Child Led Collective Worship

Each week, different children in each class prepare and lead their class in worship. In the EYFS and KS1 the children are guided by adults to prepare for this. In KS2 the children independently plan and prepare their own worship, alongside the GIFT Team.

Teacher Led Liturgy

Every Tuesday, teachers lead a weekly worship for their Key Stage to allow time for reflection and prayer based on a religious theme.

Hymn Practice

On Wednesday, EYFS and KS1, and Thursday, KS2, gather together to sing songs of praise to God and practise hymns and songs that we use for our collective worship and for Mass.

Celebration Assembly

Every Friday, we gather together to celebrate the achievements of the school that week, awards are presented: Star of the week, teachers award and Reader of the week. We also award children for walking in Jesus’ footsteps, known as our ‘Semper Fidelis’ award, handwriting and sporting events too during this time.

Class Assemblies and Masses

Throughout the year, we celebrate the Sacrament of the Eucharist at Our Lady of Grace and St Edward's Church. We also attend church throughout the year as part of our class Masses in KS2. Children help to prepare and lead the Mass through Altar Serving, reading and bringing up the gifts during Mass. Parents and guardians are also invited to join us for all Masses and Assemblies.