As members of The GIFT Team, we have a very important job to spread the Word of God throughout our school and the school community. It is our mission to interpret scripture so that children can better understand stories from the Bible and relate them to their own lives.

The Gift team have a very high profile in school. You may see us around school leading community prayer, leading the prayers in our own classrooms, helping deliver whole school liturgy and collective worship, welcoming visitors and new pupils to our school and organising liturgical events.

Our mission is to:

  • work hard to promote our Catholic faith in school.
  • support the school in emphasising its spirituality and Catholicity as set out in the school’s mission statement
  • promote, plan and organise the celebration of liturgies and co-operate with others in developing the school as a Christian community
  • preparing worship spaces around school
  • responsible for class worship space
  • teaching Gospel values to younger children
  • ensuring the playground is an active, happy place
  • help children to solve disagreements by themselves.
  • interview pupils to find new ideas about how to make lessons more fun and creative
  • welcoming visitors to our school

GIFT Team Highlights

Latest GIFT Team Newsletters

Gift Team Newsletter - 19th May 2024

We read that God wants us to live a life that is free and happy. But sometimes, we might do things that make us unhappy or that God doesn't want us to do.

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17th May 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 12th May 2024

A reflection of Sunday’s Gospel: Before Jesus went back to Heaven, Jesus told his disciples to go out into the world and share the good news about God's love with everyone. He wanted them to tell people about how much God loves them and wants to forg

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10th May 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 5th May 2024

A reflection of Sunday’s Gospel: This piece of scripture is a reminder of how much God loves us and wants us to love others. Jesus tells us that just as He has loved us, we should love one another. He says that when we follow His command to love othe

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3rd May 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 28th April 2024

Just like branches need to stay connected to the vine in order to grow and be healthy, we need to stay connected to Jesus in order to grow spiritually and be strong in our faith.

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25th April 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 21st April 2024

A reflection of Sunday’s Gospel: Jesus said, "I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep." This means that Jesus will always take care of us and protect us, just like a shepherd takes care of his sheep. Jesus also said

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18th April 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 31st March 2024

On Easter Sunday, Mary Magdalene goes to the tomb where Jesus was buried and finds that the stone has been rolled away and the tomb is empty. Confused and worried, she tells Peter and another disciple, who come and see for themselves

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17th April 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 22nd March 2024

This piece of scripture describes the events leading up to Jesus' crucifixion on the cross, starting with his triumphant entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday and ending with his death on Good Friday.

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17th April 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 15th March 2024

A reflection of Sunday’s Gospel: Greeks come to Philip and Andrew wanting to see Jesus. Jesus responds by saying that the time has come for him to be glorified. He compares his upcoming death to a seed that must fall to the ground and die in order to

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14th March 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 8th March 2024

A reflection of Sunday’s Gospel: The verses in this Gospel are really powerful and make me think about the love God has for us. It's amazing to think that God loves us so much that he sent his only Son to save us and give us eternal life. It's a comf

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8th March 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 1st March 2024

I n today's gospel, we see Jesus enter the temple and drive out the money changers and those selling animals. Jesus was angry because these people were not treating the temple as a holy place of worship, but rather as a marketplace. Jesus reminds us

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28th February 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 22nd February 2024

A reflection of Sunday’s Gospel: In this passage, Jesus takes Peter, James, and John up a mountain where He is transfigured before them. The disciples are filled with awe and wonder at this incredible sight. This event reminds us of the power and glo

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28th February 2024

Gift Team Newsletter - 9th February 2024

A reflection of Sunday’s Gospel: This passage reminds us of the compassion and power of Jesus to heal the sick and the outcast. The man with leprosy was considered unclean and was required to live outside the community

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21st February 2024