
If you have any queries for our Governing Body, please contact our Chair of Governors, Victoria Santer, at or forward correspondence to the school address.

Schools financial benchmarking

Financial Summary 2020-21

Financial Summary 2019-20

Governors Code of Conduct Policy

Governance Handbook

Members of the Governing Body

Mrs V. Santer

Chair & Foundation Governor

The early part of my career was spent in education – both in England and in Canada.  I then moved into advertising before changing tack once more by moving to the health sector, working primarily on change programmes across paediatric services.  A varied and interesting career but throughout I have never lost my belief in the vital importance of importance of education, particularly the pastoral care we provide our young people.

I became a Foundation Governor in 2014 and Chair in 2018.  It is a privilege to serve our community in this way and I’d like to thank our staff and my fellow governors for their unstinting support.

Mrs C. Hayes

Vice Chair, Foundation Governor

Cheryl has served as a Parent Governor and is now a Foundation Governor. My three children enjoyed a rounded education at St Mary’s and will wax lyrical to anyone who will listen about how happy they were here.  I think we punch high above our weight already, but there is always room to strive even higher and I am proud to play a small part in setting and achieving that vision.

In my professional life I manage the careers of writers and comedians and I have a theology degree – make of that what you will…!

Fr M. Dunne

Foundation Governor

I have been Parish Priest of Our Lady of Grace and St Edward’s Church, Chiswick, since September 2016, when I was also appointed to be a Foundation Governor at St Mary’s. Although parish and school are separate legal entities and have their particular responsibilities, nonetheless, it is vital for the flourishing of our living the mystery of the Risen Christ among us (cf Col 1:27), that parish and school, Church and local community, work warmly and constructively together for the common good. As a Governor I have a particular responsibility for RE and Catholic Life. Since April 2020 I have been the Parochial Administrator of St Joseph’s Church, Grove Park, also within the St Mary’s catchment area.

Mr S. Rutter

Local Authority Governor

I have lived in the Parish for almost 20 years and both of my children attended St Marys with my youngest leaving in 2019. I look back fondly upon these  times for all the school offered them both through childhood and spiritually to support them in later life.

I am a Chartered Surveyor and have spent most of my career in the property development world. When asked to be the Local Education Authority Governor, whilst not a Catholic, I felt passionately that all children should have the opportunity to make the best of their time at school. My life and business experiences I hope provide support, challenge and encouragement to the school and its staff moving forwards.

Ms S. Piert

Foundation Governor

I’ve lived in the parish of Our Lady of Grace for over 20 years and my three children attended St Mary’s. My youngest left over five years ago and we all have very fond memories of our time at St Mary’s.  I have been involved in the parish for many years and was delighted to be asked to become a governor and have been appointed as a foundation governor in 2019. I work as a solicitor and specialise in occupational pensions.

Ms K. Luciani

Foundation Governor

I was invited to be a foundation governor at St Marys, after retiring from almost 7 years of leading First Holy Communion in my Parish of Our Lady of Grace and St Edward, where my family and I attend Sunday Mass. I am very fortunate that my own 3 children benefitted from a wonderful education at St Marys Chiswick and our youngest  only left in July 2019. I feel that the love, support and guidance they received in those formative years at St Mary’s has set them up for life!

I am a trained teacher of almost 30 years’ experience and currently teach at The William Hogarth School (9 years) as Leader of Inclusion, co-ordinating support for children with additional needs and English as an additional language. I trained in New Zealand but have mainly taught in London.

Mr M. Hoehenwarter

Parent Governor

I have been living in and around Chiswick for the last fifteen years and have been attending mass at Our Lady of Grace and St. Edwards during this time.  My son is a happy pupil at St Mary's and I have a young daughter at nursery elsewhere.

Having worked in architecture in Austria, Canada and the UK since 2002, I have been involved in a number of different sectors including residential, education, mixed-use and leisure buildings.

I strongly believe in the lasting value of a great education that inspires and fascinates, creates interest, and helps children love to learn, all whilst encouraging them grow into caring and kind members of the community.

Mr A. Carnaveli

Parent Governor

Producer, director and editor of BAFTA award winning documentaries, I turned campaigner in 2018 to transform the school into one of the greenest in London (raising almost £100k in the process). During my work on the project I was privileged enough to have a glimpse “behind the scenes” in St Marys: seeing the care and attention that goes towards raising our children inspired me to join as a governor. Coming from a family with 8 younger siblings and having a child myself in St Mary’s, dealing with children is for me a second nature. 

I strongly believe that education and happy children are the number one ingredients for the recipe of a better future.

Mr J. O'Reilly

Staff Governor

I have worked at St Mary's Primary School for over 6 years as a class teacher and I am passionate about providing our children with the best possible education so that each individual reaches their true potential. I have worked in a number of year groups in Key Stage 2 and am currently teaching in Year 6.

I am excited about my role as Staff Governor as I feel it will provide me with further opportunities to work alongside staff, families and our community to ensure our pupils receive an enriching and inspiring curriculum.

Kathy Collis

Staff Governor

My name is Kathy Collis and I have had the honour and privilege of working at St Mary’s Primary School for the last 21 years as a member of the support staff. Already working in the school I have first-hand experience of the education system and knowledge of the school and community. I am in a unique position on our governing body, the role of co-opted governor offers me an opportunity to make a real contribution to the strategic management of the school.

The school continues to provide me with the opportunity to attend a wide range of training courses which supports my understanding of what is expected of me in my role as governor, and what policies the school must adhere to, to run effectively. This also ensures I follow the appropriate rules of governor protocol and confidentiality.
For me, it has always been important that school is more than just a place of learning. It’s a community that we can all be part of, support and friendship are key and are exemplified at St Mary’s Primary School.

Deborah Nazereth

Foundation Governor

I live in Chiswick and have been involved in the parish of Our Lady of Grace and St. Edward since 2003, most recently leading the Children’s Liturgy group. My three children attended St Mary’s where they benefited enormously from a loving, catholic education and the close link between parish church and school.

I have worked in communications for around 25 years, specialising in helping technology brands tell their stories to a wide range of audiences including customers, employees, analysts and the media.

I was asked to become a foundation governor in the summer of 2021 and I am looking forward to helping ensure the school delivers the best possible experience for pupils.?

Georgia Shaw

Foundation Governor

I grew up in Chiswick and attended St Mary’s as a child - some of my happiest childhood memories are from my time at the school.

I was excited to join the governing body in 2021, and it’s been a wonderful opportunity to give back to the community that gave me so much and such a strong foundation for my early years.

I’m also a Scout Leader in the local area, and creating a fun, safe and caring environment for children and young people in the local area is incredibly important to me.