GIFT Team lead the whole school in a Lenten Assembly

The GIFT Team led a special assembly for the whole school to discuss the importance of Lent and almsgiving. We are proud to support CAFOD, a global charity, and are asking for donations via the CAFOD donation boxes to be in school by 22nd March. These donations will help CAFOD provide support and resources to communities in need around the world.


As a school, we are also supporting various local charities to make a difference in our community. In EYFS, we are supporting 'Little Lives UK' by raising money and donating clothes for disabled and disadvantaged children. In Year 1, we are collecting books for 'The Children's Book Project' to tackle book poverty. Year 2 is supporting 'Hounslow Food Box' by donating non-perishable food items to families in need. Year 3 is collecting goods for 'Little Village', a charity for families living in poverty. Year 4 is supporting Hounslow Action for Youth, Year 5 is collecting donations for 'The Upper Room' to help homeless individuals, and Year 6 is collecting donations for 'The Felix Project'. The class teachers will be in touch with class parents about when they want the donations for their class charity to be in by,


Let's come together as a school to make a difference in the world and in our community. Let's show our support and generosity by giving what we can. Together, we can make a positive impact on the lives of others.

1 comment

Chinyere - Lent is a time of when you give up something.

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