Road Safety

In the twenty-first century, the number of cars and other vehicles on our roads is increasing all the time and it is ever more important for all young people to understand the potential risks and dangers.

Learning to stay safe on our busy roads is a complex task. At St Mary’s we believe it is vital to teach our pupils how to be safe passengers, pedestrians & cyclists. Working together with parents, pupils and the school community is the only way we can ensure that we are safe when we are out and about.

Some of the things we do at St Mary’s

  • Walk to School Week – every year, we encourage as many pupils in walk to school for a week and promote sustainable travel in school.
  • We support National Road Safety Week (organised by BRAKE).
  • Remind children when going out of school (Forest school, swimming or school trips) about how we stay safe on public transport and walking.
  • We work with STARS to help us promote sustainable travel and support us in many ways.
  • Cycle proficiency – we want all pupils to feel safe when cycling or scooting.

Upcoming Events

Check back in September 2023 when we update events for the new school year!

Past Events

  • May 23- Year 5 Road Watch
  • May 15-19- Walk to School Week
  • March 23- Year 6 Be Bright, Travel Right Workshop
  • March 9- Year 4 Pedestrian Training
  • March 3-10- Year 6 Bikeability Training
  • November 14-18- Road Safety Week

Parking at school (including the local area and the school car park)

We know that the majority of our parents are safe and considerate when parking in or near school. We highlight any improper parking in our school newsletter and regularly remind all parents to consider local residents when parking outside of school. We understand that some families do need to get to school by car. Therefore, at St Mary’s, we’re endorsing car sharing and ‘Park and stride’

What is car sharing and what are the benefits?

Car sharing helps reduce congestion around the school gate by encouraging families to combine their journeys to school. Parents/carers can partner with a family who lives nearby and take it in turns to drop off and pick up their children at the beginning and end of the school day. We also encourage staff who live close to one another to share lifts.

What is Park and Stride?

Park and Stride encourages our families to park their car a distance from school and walk the rest of the way. It allows those who live further from the school to introduce an element of active travel into their journey. As well as promoting physical activity, Park and Stride can reduce congestion and improve Air Quality around your school.

Park and Stride is a simple idea for families who live far away from school and currently drive, but want to enjoy the benefits of walking to school too!

At St Mary’s, we’re asking you to park or drop-off a ten-minute walk from school and complete the rest of your journey on foot. If you’re using public transport, you may want to get off a couple of stops earlier and walk the rest of the way to school.

Studies show that students who have walked for 10 minutes or more of their journey to school arrive more alert and ready to start the day! Park & Stride also helps reduce congestion around the school and improve air quality.

The Walking Zones map below outlines how long it will take to walk and bus stops that are close to St. Mary’s. It also shows where Park and Stride is available.

Crossing the road

We want all our children to be safe whenever they're out and about. Remember this sequence every time you need to cross the road.

  • Think - look for a safe place to cross.
  • Stop - wait at the edge of the kerb.
  • Look and listen - make sure you can hear as well as see any traffic.
  • Wait - if there is any traffic, wait for it to pass.
  • Look and listen again - check again for any traffic.
  • Arrive alive - walk (don't run) straight across the road.


Parents/carers play a key role in influencing how their children travel to school and in their spare time. As a school, we encourage prospective, new and existing parents/carers to speak to your children about the benefits of active travel to their health and wellbeing.

Cycle Skills for adults give us, as a staff and as parents/carers, an opportunity to build our confidence on the road. This in turn allows us to become positive cycling role models for children.

Please find posters linked below of Cycle Skills sessions that are tailored to participants’ skills, time and location and last one to two hours depending on your borough. Please note, bicycles are available to borrow for those who do not have their own.