Modern Foreign Languages

"A different language is a different vision of life" – Federico Fellini



Here at St Mary’s, we work hard to ensure children gain a strong understanding of the world, fostering a celebration of different cultures. We believe in providing children with the opportunity to communicate for practical purposes and learn new ways of thinking. This gives children the foundation they need to continue to learn languages and equips them with the skills to study and work in other countries.


At St Mary’s, we learn Italian through a specialist teacher from the Italian Consulate. Children progress in their learning and build upon their prior knowledge as they move through the school. KS1 and KS2 children have a weekly Italian lesson and this is progressive to embed learning. In addition, in EYFS, children hear a dual language story in Italian-English once a half term and have access to many MFL texts.


We use a range of strategies to assess what skills and knowledge the children have attained throughout each lesson as well as the following methods:

  • Observations
  • Book looks
  • Pupil voice