Year 4

Welcome to our Year 4 class page

Here you will find all the information you need for your child's year group.  We look forward to sharing here ,with you, learning information, photos, class news and upcoming events .  These include an amazing trip to Hampton Court Palace, a London Wetlands' Visit and our local visit to Hogarth House which includes a fabulous art workshop. During our learning journey in Year 4 we will be ably supported Mrs Godbold and Ms McLaughlin.

You will also find the homework and other key information below. If you have any questions, please speak to me in the playground or send me an email to the class enquiries address. Remember it's really important to be at school every day, on time and ready to learn. 

Thank you, Mrs Appleton





Secure folder

Passion Play Hymns

Useful Documents and Websites


Classroom worship is an integral part of everyday life at St Mary’s. Children are encouraged to be responsible, participate and lead in this reflective experience.

Find out more...

Year 4 News & Letters

Year 4 Highlights

There aren't any highlights for this school year just yet, but you can still take a look at our best bits from past years.