
The Early Years Team

  • Mrs Karimi – Early Years Lead and Class Teacher
  • Miss Browncombe – Early Years Nursery Nurse

Welcome to the Nursery Class page! Here you will find the information you need for your child’s year group. We look forward to sharing learning information, photos, class news and upcoming events with you. If you haven’t already, please follow our Class Dojo page for daily updates on what your child is getting up to in class and to see how many Dojo points they have collected.

We look forward to working with you this year,

The Early Years Team

Key Information

PE Day

The Nursery PE day is on a Tuesday with Coach Josh. On this particular day we ask children to come to school wearing trainers or plimsoles.



Wow Moments

We welcome you to write about events, outings or visits that your child has participated in outside of school. Is there anything significant happening in your child’s life at the moment e.g. visits, holidays, new pets, learning a new skill or family celebrations? Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your child or their interests? We value the knowledge and understanding that you have of your child and would really appreciate if you would share this with us so that together we can plan activities to meet your child’s needs and interests.

Please return your Wow moment sheet to a member of the Early Years Team once completed.

My Wow Moment                                                                        

For information on how you can further support your child at home please see our Curriculum Newsletter. If you have any specific questions or queries regarding your child and their learning please do not hesitate to contact us via the school office email:

Useful documents for more information on the Early Year’s Foundation Stage:

  Development Matters - Non-statutory curriculum guidance for the early years foundation stage



Classroom worship is an integral part of everyday life at St Mary’s. Children are encouraged to be responsible, participate and lead in this reflective experience.

Find out more...

Nursery Highlights

There aren't any highlights for this school year just yet, but you can still take a look at our best bits from past years.

Early Years Music Resources

Miss Gentile (‘Miss G’ – to the Early Years children) has very kindly put some music resources together for the children to access at home.

Here are Miss G’s recommendations:

Children Enjoying our Nursery


Early Years Foundation Stage Policy