Diocese of Westminster

"Faith is not a problem to be solved, but a gift to be discovered." - Archbishop Vincent Nichols

The Diocese of Westminster is one of the smallest dioceses in England and Wales in geographical area, but the largest in terms of Catholic population and priests. The diocesan boundaries include the London Boroughs north of the River Thames, between the River Lea to the East, the Borough of Hillingdon to the West, and including the County of Hertfordshire to the North.

Our school has its own distinctive mission statement which expresses its shared sense of purpose. The family of St Mary’s lives and learns, inspired by their faith

Fundamental to that purpose is the belief that every person is made in the image and likeness of God and finds fulfilment in God alone. Our mission is to seek the ongoing development of every pupil and young person and to promote their well-being and freedom. This vision shapes the daily life of the Catholic school as a community in which faith is expressed and shared through every aspect of its activity.

Through the pattern of daily prayer, through the celebration of the sacraments of the Church, through works of charity, through a striving for justice in all it does, our school seeks to be a catechetical community in which the content of the life of faith is shared. To fulfil the mission of their school, our school governing body seeks to engage enthusiastic and committed teachers to provide leadership, inspiration and challenge to their pupils and students.

The Diocesan Policy on Religious Education (2012) commits the Diocese to support schools in implementing the requirements of the Curriculum Directory and other norms of the Bishops’ Conference. In recent years, this Diocesan support has focussed on agreeing and developing a fuller understanding of the national Levels of Attainment and in improving the teaching of Scripture.

Our school has strong links with the Diocese through school visits to Westminster, SPEC, TenTen Theatre and courses for both teaching and non- teaching staff.

The Education Service provides professional support for our School, support for our Head Teacher and our Governing Bodies. Our RE Advisor also visits regularly to discuss RE in the curriculum with both the Head Teacher and Subject Leader.

Many resources can be found on the RCDOW website to support teaching and learning.