Caritas Advent Giving Calendar

Caritas shared an ‘Advent Giving Calendar’ with our school. This calendar, which is displayed on the parents noticeboard outside the office, follows the concept of a ‘reverse’ Advent Calendar and gives suggestions for items to collect each day to donate to a local foodbank or food poverty project of your choice in time for Christmas.

The calendar provides suggestions of items to collect and information on how you as a family can find a project to donate to.

As you are aware, at St Mary’s, we collected donations for the Hounslow Food Box as part of our Harvest celebrations – whom truly appreciated our support.

The calendar is also a way for our families to find out where you can get some help if you are struggling to buy the food you need. This information is on the back of the calendar, hence us displaying both sides and it is repeated below for ease of reference. Remember that you can always come and talk to us at school and we will help in any way we can.

The ‘Advent Giving Calendar’ is a great opportunity for the school community to get involved in social action.

If you do participate, please send any pictures of your donations or volunteer work to

Thank you, as always, for your support.

Advent Giving Calendar

Advent is a special season in the Church’s year when we prepare to celebrate the coming of Christ. However, for many people facing food poverty, Christmas can be a difficult time. Currently, 8.4 million people in the U.K. regularly do not get enough to eat. The Caritas Food Collective are a new project working to tackle food poverty in the Diocese of Westminster. This year, we have created an ‘Advent Giving Calendar’ to help use this season as a time when we think of those who might be struggling, and do our bit to help them in the run up to Christmas.

How to use the Advent Giving Calendar

Find a food bank or other local project to donate to. Make sure to check if there is a deadline for Christmas donations.

Each day in Advent, find the star on the calendar which will tell you what you need to buy that day to add to your collection. Then colour the stars in as you go!

Take your box to the collection point of your chosen project – you might want to take it early to make sure it is there in time to help families this Christmas!

How to find your local food project

Contact the Caritas Food Collective and they can help you find a local project. Our contact details can be found below.

Have a look at our map of projects around the Diocese of Westminster.

The Trussell Trust run food banks throughout the UK and you can visit their website to find one near to you.

Public service professionals such as social workers, job centre staff, and NHS staff can often provide information on food banks and other services for people struggling at this time of year.

“A better world can be built as a result of your efforts, your desire to change and your generosity.” - Pope Francis, 2017

To find out more about the Caritas Food Collective and get involved, or if you would like to find out about food support in your area, contact us at:                     

020 7931 6077